Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Deed

I don't want to do it. I know it is going to break my heart to actually do it. I have been waiting 14 years to do this and I can hardly believe I am going to try today. My stomach hurts and my mouth is dry. I think I may actually be shaking a little from the nerves. AHHHHH, why does this have to be so difficult?

Alright, I need to give myself a pep talk. "I can do this! I CAN do this! I CAN DO THIS! People do this kind of thing everyday. You are going to be okay, it is going to be okay. You're not going to loose anything, you are going to be fine. Just fine." Okay, here we go I am going to admit what I have to do TODAY......

I am going to clean my FFA, farm, cowgirl, vintage (whatever you want to call them) boots off of the 14-year-old cow shit, red dirt, and hay that is still all over them. I have carefully preserved these beauties for the last 14 years. I have moved them countless times always keeping them in their original 20-year-old box. Each time I open the lid, peer in, and see them lying there covered in that sweet smelling shit. But, alas the time has come to sweep the old away and make them shiny and new. I have considered keeping some remnants of the grime so I won't forget the good ol days, but it seems a little weird.

So I am off to clean....not the kitchen or the floors but 14 years of memories.....


PS I will post before and after pics when the deed is done. Wish me luck

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! What kind of cleaner you do use for that?
